About Us
Altis Trading was born on 2009 and today has grown into three independent business entities in three distinct fields. Our passion for health care and beauty has developed Altis Health Care back in 2018 to mainly focus on personal care and beauty products. Our purpose is to connect and build a sustainable network of vendors, manufacturers, traders and supply chain integrators across regional and global markets to deliver quality products and services.
At Altis Health Care leading by example is at core of our principles. For that the founders have developed an agreed-on set of guidelines to address the business ethics and code of conducts which all members are expected to follow. Today we are proud for working with globally well-known high-quality health and beauty product manufacturers and distributors. We work closely with them to assure committing a long-term relationship with our clients. We hope for having a significant and positive impact on societies health in general.
We deliver significant added value services to our customers and suppliers through an integrated regional and global supply chain operation that includes sourcing, storage, trade, processing and distribution of pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals and medical equipment. We apply our expertise to offer local market solutions. We source our products from reputable suppliers around the globe ensuring their highest quality and authenticity being unquestionable. We strive to offer best competitive rates without compromising the quality of products and services provided.